About Myself ..

Hello everyone. 

This is Debabrata Guha. I am from India, specifically in Eastern part of India in the city of Kolkata. By the way Kolkata was the former capital of India. 

Anyway I am a software engineer by profession. I passed my engineering on computer science in 2011 and then joined Software Industry in 2011 itself. My first company was Cognizant Technology Solutions. I worked there from 2011 to 2016. Below is a snap of Cognizant Bantala campus.

After that I joined IBM and worked there as a Senior Data Engineer. Here is my office, IBM India Pvt Litd in DLF towers, newtown, Kolkata..

And Currently I am working with Accenture on the day I am writing this blog. 

And here is the office in Candor Tech Space, Newtown , Kolkata. Though I could not get enough chances to go to the office due to the pandemic. Mostly it was Work from home.

But my journey was not smooth at all. I had no plan to choose computer science engineering in my graduation. I never had computer subjects till my school days. You would be strange to know that my best subject is Geography till now. I am coming to the topic of Geography later. But somehow as per the academic structure in my country, I had to take Science topics in higher school. So I had to choose Science subjects ( Physics, Chemistry , Math combination) with Statistics. I had no interest on Biology and cutting various animals in biology lab. By the way I am an eggetarian. I never touched meat, prawn , fish anything. True.. being a Bengali I never touched fish. Anyway so instead of Biology I chose Statistics in my higher school. I did not like even physics and chemistry . But I liked mathematics, even in my college days. But it is very strange that till class 12 I never thought to take computer science subjects.

I did not have any goal when I chose computer science engineering. It was just because that it would be easier to get computer job quickly in India. Even it was not my plan. Suddenly the first thought came into my mind was to take Geology honours course , as I had a reference of one of my cousin who took Geology earlier in a top college of Kolkata. My name came in the 2nd list. It was not bad to be in top 50 general students. But there was a seat for 30 general candidates only ( General means who do not have SC/ST quota). But do not why I did not wait for the 2nd list call. After few years I heard that it went till the 3rd list. Anyhow I tried to choose Architecture line, but it failed. Then my priority was to chose civil engineering. But I did not get the top colleges for Civil Engineering in Kolkata. So I chose computer Science. Because there was no other topics left by my choice. 

Here is some pics with my schoolmates in saraswati pujo..

Then I suffered a lot. It was a 4 year course . But first 2 years I could not even write a single line code. Believe me. I can remember that I copied the whole exam of Language C and data structure. All of my classmates used to talk on hacking, languages, career path, various examinations, MBA etc etc. I was really scared of engineering at that time. One of my teacher told me that I should not take computer science as I did not have any prior knowledge on computer science in my school days. After 2nd year of my graduation, I was so sure that my life has been ruined. 

Below is a snap of my college building ..

It was the last chance for me at the starting of 3rd year. Because at that time reputed MNCs ( Multi National Companies) used to come in 3rd year itself. I had Java language in the upcoming  semester. I knew I have to complete this language by 1 month only. Between semesters , there was a gap of 1 month. So when it will be resumed, it will be the same place. Everyone would again starting talking about different tough technical terms. So after 1 month when the college was reopened, I can still remember the day, when I raise my hand with the 1st boy in our class for a problem statement like below.

" enter 2 sides of a rectangle and find the area and perimeter "

It was the first program that I solved in my class in 3rd year. I was not alone to solve this one. 1st boy in our class also raised his hand at that day. But it does not mean we both have same amount knowledge.
He was far ahead than me. But it was like if you give an exercise to write A-Z to one college student and to one class 2 student. Both of them can write A-Z, even sometimes class 2 students might beat the college student with respect to the nice hand writing. It was similar in my case. I was that class 2 student in the class. But anyhow I was happy that day and it was the start of my journey. Next day I tried to raise my hand in the 2nd class of Java. It goes on and I started to lift from class 2 to 3 and so on. I did not have any target to know more than the toppers. They really have more knowledge than me. But I know whatever knowledge I have (it might be only 10% of them) , but that part is rock solid. So my suggestion to all of you is to start from zero and then try to go to 1, then to 2 and so on.. do not target anyone who is already in thousand. Below is the farewell pic in my college with my classmates.

I joined the college in 2007. But a recession came in the year 2008-09. It was again a time of turmoil. But I did not think much on that, somehow it was overcame and everything became normal again in the software industry. 

Below is the pic of the interview day. It was till late in night.
and after getting the job, it was the party time ..

I was shy and quiet in my school days till class 7-8. It changed a bit from class 9. After getting a good mark in class 10 board exam, I was in cloud 9 and it messed my higher education in class 11-12. It was a total mess during those 2 years with respect to my study, my life with friends and my parents. It was a total mess on those 2 years. But I really learned a lot of things and applied those in my college days. I involved myself in many areas. I was not the best , even in some case I was not average even. But I tried many things like Robotics ( robot war, robot racing ) , Football tournament in my college, cricket tournaments , model making competition and many more. "Those were the best days of my life .. " 

Preparation of Robot and test in home:

Snap of our 1st Robo Racing day in one of the inter-college competition..  Our Robot's name was " Robu ".. We did not went to top 3 in any competition. But it was fun and we were happy that we tried it. No matters if you win or you lose.


Football winning team in our college: 

Organised blood donation camp:

 I participated in my things. I was not the best in those, even not good sometimes. But there is one topic in which I was good. I was a regular writer in my college wall magazine.. First time I shared my writings with rest of the world.


And my biggest achievement was to win my class vote and entered into my college cultural committee. I would say that it is my biggest achievement till the date. I never imagined that I could do that. Before that I was an introvert, but things were changing at that time. I was the convenor in college fest. We organized technical fest. We started Robotics event first in our college. Those were the biggest achievement of mine.

So.. Now at this point of my life, I have only 1 hobby and 2 goals..

hobby is to write stories and poems..

and my 1st goal is visit 100 countries all over the world.. to step into every corners of the world. want to go to Fujiyama in Japan, as well as into the pyramids of Egypt , to Masaimara Kenya , even to the least visited country in the world "Tuvalu" .. Till the day I have visited 8 countries and still counting .. Hope someday it will reach to 100 ..

And 2nd goal is to form a computer education group with all of you and spread the education. I do not know much on other topics, on other subjects. But I have many ideas over this computer science topic. If possible in one day with all of you we will step forward for some good cause.. We have a facebook group as following.


I may ask to each of you give one class to that institute for once in 3 months. It will make some difference. Let's see how much we can do..

Have a big dream in your life and try everything .. Do not study always.. Think more than your books and try to love your chapters.


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